Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Homework and Notes from 1/28/15



Circle Graphs Percentage Worksheet
Finish classwork

10% of Numbers Worksheet
(#s 1-45)


Update your Stocks Porfolio. Please keep up with your updated share prices.


Our Field Trip to Microsoft Store was POSTPONED due to the weather. I will keep you updated on when it is going to be taking place.

In English, we finished the excerpt of 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea by Jules Verne. We tackled the challenging questions in class and had a great discussion about the traits of the main characters.
  1. At the story's end, Aronnax writes, "So, to the question which the Book of Ecclesiastes posed 6,000 years ago, 'hast thou walked in the search of the depth?', two men, amongst all men, now have the right to reply. Captain Nemo and I." That is, Aronnax claims to have the same knowledge of the ocean depths as Captain Nemo. Do we believe this claim? Why or why not?
  2. Let's assume that Nemo was terribly wronged—that he was driven from land because of some awful tragedy, and that he and his crew endured the worst possible punishments and humiliations. Would Nemo's actions be justified then?
  3. Is the Nautilus's plunge into the Maelstrom really an accident? Is an experienced captain like Nemo likely to make such a mistake?

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