Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Homework and Notes from 4/29/14


Get a good night's rest. The State Test is Wednesday, Thursday, Friday.


Spelling Unit 30
ABC Order (words on blog)


In class today, we read a non fiction text about the famous astronomer Copernicus. We continued discussing non fiction text and the author's purpose. Our author, Mary Lynn Bushong, was writing to inform! In the early 1500s, when virtually everyone believed Earth was the center of the universe, Polish scientist Nicolaus Copernicus proposed that the planets instead revolved around the sun. Although his model wasn't completely correct, it formed a strong foundation for future scientists to build on and improve mankind's understanding of the motion of heavenly bodies. (Source: http://www.space.com/15684-nicolaus-copernicus.html)

Test tomorrow!
Tomorrow is the New York State Mathematics exam. It will be from Wednesday 4/29- Friday 5/2.

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