Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Homework and Notes from 12/17/13




Finish Chapter 39-40 Holes Vocabulary and Questions

  1. Why did the insides of Stanley's mouth and throat feel like they were coated with sand?
  2. What does Zero say that causes Stanley to believe that his friend is delirious?
  3. Explain why Mrs. Tennyson was wearing only a nightgown and a robe as she ran down the street after Sam.
  4. Why did Hattie Parker blush when Gladys Tennyson mentioned that her daughter, Becca, had almost died from eating some bad meat?
  5. What surprised Stanley when he headed down the mountain looking for the shovel?
Vocabulary:  streak, tan, lapped, comprehend, gratefully, meadow, proper, mule, leeches, tonic, snickered, flushed, contritely, charity, feebly, indentation

Spelling: ABC Order (Unit 15) *Words on blog

Current Event due Friday! 
(Remember the format*)

Who was involved?
What happened?
When did this happen?
Why was it important?
Where did this take place?

Today was our 15th weekly Twitter Tuesday! Check out our take on Current Events in 140 characters or less on our Twitter feed.www.twitter.com/gersh209. We tweeted our ideas and summaries of each of our 4 articles. Enjoy!  

Thanks to all the parents and students that participated in our breakfast and gingerbread house making party! We have a spectacular time! Here is a picture of a house that a student made!
Displaying image.jpeg

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